

Aug 04, 2023

Man uses lungi as shopping bag in abroad, video goes viral

In the video, a young man can be observed entering a shopping mall, dressed in a lungi. He proceeds to collect various items in a shopping trolley and then heads to the counter to pay the bill. Surprisingly, he initially considers using a shopping bag to pack his purchased items but the staff denied to use tha cover which he bought from his house. Therefore he removed his lungi and packed the items in it.To everyone's amazement, he ingeniously uses the lungi to wrap and secure all the purchased goods. With the items neatly bundled in the lungi, he ties it securely and confidently walks away from the counter. The entire incident was captured and shared on Twitter by a user named Hasna Saruri Hai.The video has now gone viral on social media, attracting massive reactions from netizens. Many are amused and impressed by the young man's resourcefulness in avoiding the extra cost of a shopping bag and finding a unique solution to carry his purchases.